Ground Penetrating Radar Antennas
We are very proud to present to you our entire line of ground penetrating radar antennas. When it comes to the amount of work hours put to develop an antenna, we never stop until we reach the top quality responses and create a truly outstanding antenna. A unique feature of our antennas is that you can use them with our own radar control units as well as with those of the largest suppliers of ground penetrating radar control units worldwide, GSSI.
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Geoscanners software solution flagship product GPRSoft, is the best post processing software package available for the ground penetrating radar data, but we also provide additional software solutions. These software solutions allow you to expand your GPR survey results by assessing the quality of your GPR hardware, adding geolocation and video camera footage to your GPR surveys, creating GPR simulations and much more.
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Control Units For Ground Penetrating Radar
The development of our own control units allows us to be able to customize the required features for the required applications in the best possible way. By using a GPR control unit and an antenna made by us, you will be presented with all the subtle improvements and benefits that we are able to implement.
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For your convenience we have put together some ready-to-go GPR systems for all kinds of different survey needs.
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Smart Adapters To Extend Your Hardware
One of the areas we excel at are the smart adapters. These units really extend your existing hardware beyond what the original manufacturer had in mind. Find ways of making tomographic surveys with one channel radar systems and many other outstanding capabilities.
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Плугин Электроника
Модули для георадаров
Вставляемые электронные модули представлены серией приемников и/или передатчиков способных работать с антеннами различных производителей. На текущий момент фирма Geoscanners AB представляет три таких модуля. Все они были специально разработаны для работы с антеннами фирмы GSSI, позволяющими использование вставляемых модулей, а также с антеннами Subecho фирмы Radarteam Sweden AB.[Find out more >>]
Как правило электронные устройства, а в ряде случаев программы для успешного выполнения своих функции требуют определенные дополнительные принадлежностей. Это могут быт провода, адаптеры, держатели и так далее.
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If you need a cable for your equipment it is very likely that we have it, or alternatively can manufacture it for you. If you tried to fix some of your cables most probably you were presented with long waiting periods from the original manufacturer or a need to buy a simple connector in huge quantities in order to get it. If you need a spare don't hesitate to contact us.
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